来源: | 发布时间:24年03月22日 | 浏览次数:5349


Aims of the journal
Ibrain is an international and open access journal in the field of neuroscience. The journal publishes the advanced research about brain, spinal cord and nerve, so as to provide a communication platform about basic & translational science and clinical practice for neuroscientists. Ibrain welcomes submissions all over the world that will benefit the development of neuroscience.

Scope and topics
Ibrain is interested in the topics in relation to diseases of the brain, spinal cord and nerve, including but not limited to clinical medicine, molecule diagnostics, epigenetics/genetics, cell biology, drug discovery, evolutionary medicine, nanotechnology or artificial intelligence. The journal is focused on clinical and experimental advances that provide the characterization, pathogenic mechanism, diagnostic, therapeutic, medical innovations or techniques for the diseases of the brain, spinal cord and nerve.

Indexing information:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

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